Life is like a limited overs cricket match where every ball matters. It is either a daring adventure or nothing. It is not having and getting but being and becoming. Life is much more than living. It is meant to experience excitement
in our efforts,
in our gains,
in our growing up.
It is an interesting aspect of life that we always live with expectation.
o Man wants
o Man strives
o Man achieves.
The urge or drive in you to strive and achieve is the want or desire or need in you. The needs or wants motivate you to achieve your choice are called motivators. Let me list some example of motivators:
Recognition Achievement Interest satisfaction
Love trust responsibility acceptance
Care fear promotion pride
Rewards status publicity shame
Respect self image
One of these factors will definitely motivate you for superior performance in life. But you must be passionate towards some of these motivators.
You may be either self driven to achieve your needs/wants or pushed by outside force to achieve them. There are both internal or external forces act on you or motivate you for better performance in your life.
Motivation is the fire within, which catapults an ordinary man into an outstanding personality. It is the arousal, direction and persistence of behaviour.
Process of motivation
The process undergoes six steps which are as follows
• Dream your destiny
• Develop the desire to achieve your dream
• Rationalise the desire
• Harbour expectations in you
• Initiate action
• Mission gets accomplished
Your passion for accomplishment is your motivation which threads through all the six stages.
What do you want?
Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam, our honourable President is requesting the youth of this nation(you) to dream. Your dreams are your wants. They speak about your life purpose. Stephen R.Covey, the author of 7 habits of highly effective people explains the purpose of life in 4 steps viz.,
To live
To love
To learn
And to leave a legacy
I believe you have a cherished desire to achieve something in life which can have a positive impact at least on some people which is otherwise called as your legacy.
When you leave your college/school what legacy you want to leave as a student. Have that legacy as your burning desire so that you will be highly motivated inwards. At the same time even your role models have an indirect influence in your performance and thereby motivate you from outside. But you need a strong desire to leave a legacy which is otherwise called as Passion.
Be passionate about your dreams and passionate about your beliefs always. The belief in her ability to dance even with one wooden leg and her passion to dance saw dancer Sudha Chandran performs excellently in the stage even with wooden leg. Passion works wonders. All stories of success have one common element i.e., passion. Passion will keep your eyes from wandering away from your purpose. Passionate belief often makes great sacrifices look easy. Buddha’s renunciation is one such example.
Don’t see things and ask why? But dream of things that never were and ask why not?
If Kennedy was not passionate man would not have set foot on moon.
If Columbus was not passionate, America would have perhaps remained undiscovered for few more years.
If Lincoln was not passionate, racial equality would still have remained a major problem.
If Marx was not passionate, the world would not have understood socialist humanism.
If Darwin was not passionate, the origin of species would have still perhaps remained a mystery.
If Helen Keller was not passionate, the blind would have missed a role model achiever.
If Churchill was not passionate, England, Europe and the Allied forces would have been wiped out by Hitler.
If Gandhi was not passionate in getting freedom to his mother nation, the British would have stayed still longer in India.
If Mandela was not passionate about the freedom to his race, racial equality in Aftrica would still be a distant dream.
If Patel was not passionate about an unified and stronger India, the integration of India as a single political entity would not have happened so very quickly.
Passion did the trick in all their lives.
“be passionate” in your performance, you will dare to be great.
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